[Book Review] The Radiant King (Astral Kingdoms 1) — David Daglish

When Immortals Battle, The World Suffers.

David Daglish’s brand new trilogy, The Astral Kingdoms kicks off with The Radiant King, a tale of an immortal family, sworn from crowning themselves rulers of the mortal world, thrown into a maelstrom of chaos, when one among them seemingly betrays the rest for ultimate control over humanity.

Cover Image (Hachette)

Daglish is one of those authors about whom I have heard good things, but life and the deluge of new works every week allowed to slip through the cracks. His dark assassin fantasy series The Vagrant Gods caught my fancy, but ultimately slipped past my attention. So when he announced a new series (adding to his impressively vast catalog), I compelled myself to get ahead of the curve.

The premise of the Astral Kingdoms seems straightforward enough at the outset. Six siblings granted magical powers via “radiance”, are functionally immortal. Through wisdom and bitter experience, they arrive at the pact of never taking a crown or kingdom in the mortal world, and only striving to use their radiance to nudge humanity towards a better future. One of them, the brother Eder “betrays” them, proceeds to set up a religious cult devoted to his radiance, and ushers in a new empire, dubbed the “Astral Kingdom”. The siblings get justifiably upset, and chaos ensues.

The Radiant King weaves its way through the burden of immortality through the eyes of those who survive the rigors of time, and the toll it takes on their souls. The book also toys with the cycles of rebirth, and the idea of past lives, with the sins of past selves coming back, in very real ways to haunt the present. This book also explores the dilemma of sharing magical powers with the commonfolk, each with their personalities, motivations, and ambitions, and how great power in small hands leads to the downfall of everyone.

While I had a good enough time being carried through the plot of The Radiant King, this book felt like it had more misses than hits. At the outset, immortal characters are particularly challenging to write plot around, because having severely overpowered characters in any regard takes away from the stakes of the story, reducing much of its gravitas. While this is most definitely a dark fantasy book, packed with violence, gore, and an (un)healthy level of body horror, the immortal nature of the protagonists created a gap between the plot tensions and the reader. Even when pitted against one of the immortal siblings, even at the lowest, most catastrophic plot keystone moments, I never felt truly pulled into the “danger”.

By far, the weakest part of The Radiant King is the characterization. At surface level, Daglish seemingly creates unique characters in each of the siblings, each with their own archetype, motivations, strengths, and most importantly flaws. But even with the slightest bit of scratching beneath the surface, the characters come off as incredibly monotone and are caricatures of their archetype. Whether it is the brute-with-a-heart-of-gold softboy Faron, or the brooding I-have-a-haunting-secret Sariel, the two major “protagonists” become parodies of themselves within the first few chapters, as soon as readers catch onto their character paradigms. The whimsical-but-whiny Calluna, and the indomitable-but-traumatized “humanity must suffer” Aylah, none of the characters had any sense of believable nuance. Even the antagonist, Eder, who has been radicalized by powers beyond this world, stumbles through the burden of being the counterpoint to the protagonists. His motivations feel entirely lackluster, which when coupled with everyone’s immorality and gung-ho nature, takes away yet another facet of danger or tension the reader may face while moving through the book.

The only character who I felt had potential to be complex was fanatic Queen Isabelle, the secret wielder of Radiance, who could have been written to be a great shake up to the sibling dynamic. Her meteoric rise to empress with Faron and Sariel doubting her altruism with hints of tyranny lurking just around the corner at every action set piece, Isabelle had enough going for her to carry this book into something truly spectacular. However Daglish, only takes a passing stab at any of those themes, thereby relegating her to discount-bin Evadine (from Anthony Ryan’s fantastic grimdark Covenant of Steel series). The side-characters while serviceable, fall flat when their contribution to the plot beats are so infinitesimally insignificant compared to the power struggle of immortals.

The pacing of The Radiant King also felt quite uneven, with the first half of the book plodding along hitting stale plot checkpoints, with brief action scenes. These chapters, perhaps intended to flesh out Faron, Sariel, and most importantly Isabelle’s motivations, would have been much more rewarding had the climactic chapters not push all of that away for a generic climax. The flashback section of chapters towards the two-thirds mark also grinds the pacing to a halt. Daglish would’ve done better to have the flashback chapters interspersed through all the chapters, or have bits and pieces of Sariel’s tale told in some other way.

In The Radiant King, Daglish had an interesting and compelling story to tell, but somehow fell just a wee bit flat on many counts. There are unique perspectives when writing character development and motivations of immortal beings, and the conflict that can arise between them, yet Daglish only takes the most perfunctory stab at those perspectives. Every aspect of the book feels good enough but stops just a few steps short of truly great.

The Radiant King has a fresh story to tell, with a unique premise, but the predictable plot, the weak characterization, and a severe lack of meaningful gravitas leads to an insurmountable gap between the story and the reader leading to a book with the potential to be great but stumbles into the mires of mediocrity. Here’s hoping the next entry of the series, tightens up the plot, gives the characters more depth, and that Daglish does not hold back from truly diving deeper into the darkness within himself to unleash it upon us all.



Saif Shaikh, Ph.D. | Distorted Visions
Saif Shaikh, Ph.D. | Distorted Visions

Written by Saif Shaikh, Ph.D. | Distorted Visions

ARC Reviewer | Metal Album Reviewer The Grim and Dark Side of Books, TV, Movies, Games, and Metal! All Content by Saif Shaikh, Ph.D. @sephshaikh

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